Sarah Baker

Sarah Baker

CF L1 Trainer / Office Manager


CrossFit Level 1 Certification

About The Coach

I have always been someone who’s loved sports and tried to be as active as possible since being a kid. The only sport I played in high school with softball so I really discovered my passion for fitness in my early 20s. I started out at the gym, on my own, joined a local Boot Camp, and then was thrilled when I discovered Paul and Aimee had opened up a CrossFit box in our area. I’ve been hooked ever since I started in October 2015. What I love most about CrossFit is the direct correlation to functional fitness outside of the gym. I have an acute body awareness that I have honed strictly because of CrossFit.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

My passion and motivation for coaching is quite simply the desire to share with people, the benefits and advantages of incorporating CrossFit into their daily routine so that they can continue to be as strong and healthy in other areas of their life. My direct motivation for myself has always been and will continue to be that I am a role model for my children, and that because they see that I take time for my fitness and health, that they will do the same as they grow up. I want other people to realize, mothers especially, that they need to carve out time for themselves. Not only for their physical strength and endurance, but their mental health as well, and that, though they may feel selfish or guilty for taking an hour out of a busy day for themselves, it’s not selfish because 1. they’re prioritizing their health and happiness, and 2. Those little eyes are always watching. They will emulate the habits they observe in their parents.

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