Why You Should Sign Up for the Intramural Open!

Nervous about signing up for the Open? Do it anyway! We are about to have SO much fun! 
January 31, 2023
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Its Robot Fighting Time!!!  JK! The CrossFit Open is upon us (way better than robot fighting)! On February 16th a four week celebration of fitness will commence in our gym!

What is the Open?

The worldwide CrossFit Open is the official beginning of the CrossFit Games season, and is one of the avenues athletes will take to eventually reach the Games. More importantly, it is ALSO a time for CrossFitters all around the world to celebrate their fitness, recognize how far they have come in their journey, and be a part of a massive world wide event. MAGIC happens in gyms around the world during the open! We have seen it in our own gym, year after year. We push a little harder, cheer a little louder and the community spirit is at an all time high. LOADS of PR’s happen during the open, including first double unders, pullups, first muscle ups, first toes to bar, snatch PR’s....all the things!

Who Competes?

WE WANT YOU! All of you! This is an amazing, EPIC time to be a CrossFitter! It doesn’t matter if you are brand new, in your teens, in your 60’s (or higher ;-), a scaled athlete or an RX athlete. There will be 3 workout options for you to choose from, with an RX division, scaled, and foundations division. PLUS all of your amazing coaches and your Team Captain will help you navigate through each week.

Why SRCF is the best place around for the Open

The SRCF Intramural Open of course! In 2019 we introduced an amazing, gym wide team challenge, with massive group workouts every Friday night and SO much fun! This year, we are bringing back our party nights (we call it Friday Night Lights)!  We will also have weekly team throw down challenges, secret popup challenges, theme nights on Fridays and massive amounts of SRCF community spirit! This year, the Intramural Open will be a class vs class battle royale! We know you and your regular class mates are already teammates and this is your chance to take on the rest of the gym for bragging rights for the rest of the year.

How does the Intramural Open work?

Starting on Feb 16th, 2023, the CrossFit Games will make a live announcement on Thursday nights at 8:00pm.  On Friday, our workout of the day will be the WOD that was announced the night before. Its even a surprise to us! You will get points for your team for doing the workout during any of our Friday classes.  BUT…you will get MORE points for your team is you come to Friday Night Lights!  We want the whole gym to come celebrate fitness with their teams!  We will have heat registrations for Friday nights, so we can make sure everyone who wants to participate gets in. There will be three weeks of official Open workouts, and we will have our own, top secret 4th week (its gonna be absolutely EPIC).  

In-house Team Captains have already been announced! The Team Board is up!  What are you waiting for?  Get your name on a team and pledge your commitment to your team for 4 weeks.  (you do not have to be officially signed up to commit to participate).

How to Score Points for Your Team

Think of it like the different houses of Hogwarts competing for the House Cup! In the Intramural Open, participation is king. You don’t have to be a gym beast to help your team score points and forge the way to victory. Officially signing up for the Open is not required, but it will help your team gain points. You DO have to be on your teams official team list on the sign up board to score points for your team.

2 Points - for participating in the Friday workout (any time of day) PLUS 2 additional points if you do it Friday evening (so 4 points total if you come Friday night)

2 Points - for posting your score to the World Wide Leaderboard (you must be officially signed up)

1 Point - for finishing in the top 3 in the gym (each week) in the RX, Scaled or Foundations Division.  We wil be using your Sugar WOD rankings for this.  To earn the points, you will need to complete the workout as written by CrossFit HQ for the division you picked that week.

1 Point (per week) - for posting on YOUR social media about all the fun you are having. Be sure to tag us using #SRCF #swiftrivercrossfit and #SRCFOpen

1 Point for submitting a photo, video or reel to your Captain for our weekly photo contest!  We will pick the best one of the week!

3 points - best photo, video or reel of the week.

3 points - Spirit of the Games (individual) Judged by a comprehensive, biased group of CrossFit coaches at the end of each week

5 Points - Spirit of the Games (team). Judged by the same group of biased coaches mentioned above. This may or may not be awarded every week. Let’s see how magical you guys can get.

Additional surprise bonus challenges will be posted during the four weeks.

-5 points. You didn’t sign up for the Open or Intramural? (Actually we can’t deduct points if you didn’t sign up can we?)

What does the winning team get?

Eternal glory! Winning team members who are listed on the official commitment board will receive a house champions t-shirt, a banner with their names on it to hang in the gym, and the opportunity to pick a specialty class during your class time (it could be a special WOD like the CrossFit Total or an hour long Oly seminar. Or you could also totally take advantage of Coach Paul and Coach Aimee for a boxing class or a self defense class. The choice is yours!)

This year’s agenda

This year we are posting this ahead of time because we know some of you will go ALL OUT!

Week 1 - Friday night DJ party!  This year our theme is Glam Rock! You’ll get bonus points for your team if you dress up and embrace the theme!

Week 2 - SRCF night.  Wear your SRCF swag or our gym colors (blue and orange) for bonus points.  This will also be a pot luck dinner party!  Bonus point for bringing something to share.  

Week 3 - Team night!  This is your night to show off your team personality and shenanigans! Bonus points for wearing team swag.

Week 4 - Top Secret final WOD!  Welcome to the Thunderdome people!

What does it cost?

If you are officially signing up for the Open, so you can post to the world wide leaderboard (and earn more points for your team ;-) , the registration fee is $20 and you can sign up here The Open | CrossFit Games

Having a fun 4 week celebration of fitness? PRICELESS

Bonus! Check out this video one of the teams made during team week last year! This is my all time FAVE moment from all of our Opens!

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