Summer Weekly Recipe: Sukuma Wiki

Whether you're trying to eat healthier, explore new cuisines, or simply looking for a new way to enjoy greens, Sukuma Wiki fits the bill!
June 23, 2024
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Its CSA season!! And I've been dreaming about picking up my farm share from @davisnaturalproduce for months! No better way to break out of the winter veggie blahs than with gorgeous fresh veggies!  Last summer we ate collard greens a lot, and I was looking for a different way to prepare them when I stumbled across this recipe.  I just love trying flavor palettes from other regions of the world.  This one is absolutely delicious and will not disappoint.  Its name, Sukuma Wiki, translates to "push the week," highlighting its role in stretching meals to last throughout the week.

What is Sukuma Wiki?

Sukuma Wiki is essentially a sautéed leafy green dish, primarily made with collard greens, but kale or other greens can also be used. It's a versatile dish that can be enjoyed as a side or a main course, often paired with ugali (a type of maize porridge), rice, or chapati.

Nutritional Benefits

Collard greens, the main ingredient in Sukuma Wiki, are packed with vitamins A, C, and K, along with calcium and fiber. This makes Sukuma Wiki not only delicious but also incredibly healthy. The addition of tomatoes and onions provides extra nutrients and flavor, making this dish a wholesome choice for any meal.

Recipe for Sukuma Wiki



  1. Prepare the Greens:
    • Remove the tough stems from the collard greens and chop the leaves into bite-sized pieces. If using kale, the preparation is similar.
  2. Heat the Oil:
    • In a large skillet or saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat.
  3. Sauté the Onions and Garlic:
    • Add the chopped onion to the skillet and sauté until they become translucent, about 5 minutes.
    • Add the minced garlic and jalapeño and continue to sauté for another 1-2 minutes until fragrant.
  4. Add the ground beef and Spices:
    • Add in the ground beef and seasonings, then cook until nearly done, typically around six minutes.  Stir often to prevent the ground beef from sticking together.
  5. Cook the Greens:

                    Add the collard greens and tomatoes, and sauté them until the collard greens wilt, which should take around four minutes. Stir gently to avoid crushing the          tomatoes while cooking.

     6. Serve:

                     Sukuma Wiki can be served hot as a side dish or as a main course. A squeeze of lemon juice over the top can add a refreshing brightness to the dish.

Final Thoughts

Whether you're trying to eat healthier, explore new cuisines, or simply looking for a new way to enjoy greens, Sukuma Wiki is a fantastic recipe to add to your repertoire. Its simple preparation and rich flavors make it a go-to dish for many. Give it a try and see why it’s a beloved staple in Kenyan homes!

If you don't have a CSA share, you can grab amazing, fresh, locally grown veggies from Davis Natural Produce 7 days a week at International Mountain Equipment in North Conway, and on Saturday at Tuckerman Brewery from 3pm to 6pm. All of their produce is grown in the Albany Town Forest behind Kennett Middle School.



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